Buildr has a post template that displays your articles with emphasis on readability. The single post template has 2 unique widget areas that will only show up on single posts. This allows you to utilize widgets exclusively for the posts, without impacting the frontpage, blog or page templates.
This diagram is a representation of the layout of the single post template. Note that the header is optional, and can be toggled on posts from the theme customizer under Customizer – Header – Display Locations.
The Above Content and Below Content widget areas are perfect location for one of the many included Buildr Widgets. In these areas, you can add sliders, image CTAs, Video CTAs, standard call-to-action, shortcodes and more! These widgets add a lot of character to your posts, and you can utilize these widgets to display your content professionally, and grab your site visitors’ attention.
Click here to see a sample blog post.